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The Ethiopian tribe where big is definitely beautiful:


The Ethiopian tribe where big is definitely beautiful: 

Bodi men compete to be the fattest in the village by drinking a gruesome mixture of blood and milk while living in isolation for SIX months

▪️ Men from the Bodi tribe compete to become the fattest during the new year or Ka'el ceremony

▪️ They spend six months guzzling a mixture of blood and milk in a bid to fatten up as fast as they can

▪️ The winning fat man doesn't get a prize but is feted as a hero for life by the rest of the tribe

▪️ Bodi want to retain their traditions but they are threatened by government resettlement plans

Slim might be in elsewhere but for Ethiopia's Bodi or Me'en people, bigger is always better. The tribe, which lives in a remote corner of Ethiopia's Omo Valley, is home to an unusual ritual which sees young men gorge on cow's blood and milk in a bid to be crowned the fattest man.
Six months after starting the regime, the men emerge to show off their newly engorged physiques and for a winner to be chosen. The champion fat man is then feted as a hero for the rest of his life.

Now the little known rite is the subject of incredible photos taken by French shutterbug Eric Lafforgue - who spent time with the Bodi while travelling through south-western Ethiopia during the run up to the Bodi New Year or Ka'el ceremony.
Sadly, the Ka'el ritual and the Bodi's traditional way of life is under threat from the Ethiopian government who plan to resettle 300,000 people from all over the country on their lands.

For now, the tribe continue as they always have, and still celebrate Ka'el in traditional style each June.
The contest begins six months before the ceremony. Every family is allowed to present an unmarried man for the challenge, who, after being chosen, retires to his hut and must not move or have sex for the duration.

Food comes in the form of a cow's blood and milk mixture, served regularly to the men by women from the village. 'The cows are sacred to the Bodi tribe so they are not killed,' explains Lafforgue. 'The blood is taken by making a hole in a vein with a spear or an axe, and after that, they close it with clay.'

Because of the scorching temperatures, the men have to drink the two-litre bowl of blood and milk quickly before it coagulates but as Lafforgue reveals, not everyone can handle drinking so much at speed.

'The fat men drink milk and blood all day long,' he says. 'The first bowl of blood is drunk at sunrise. The place is invaded by flies. The man must drink it quickly before it coagulates but some cannot drink everything and vomit it.'

On the day itself, the men cover their bodies with clay and ashes before emerging from their huts for the walk to the spot where the ceremony will take place.




The Oyo Empire (c. 1400–1835) was a West African empire of present-day Nigeria. The empire grew from a kingdom established by the Yoruba at the turn of the 14th century and grew to become one of the largest West African states encountered by colonial explorers. It rose to pre-eminence through wealth gained from trade and its possession of a powerful cavalry known as the Eso Ikoyi. The Oyo Empire was the most politically important state in the region from the mid-17th to the late 18th century, holding sway not only over other Yoruba kingdoms in modern-day Nigeria, Benin, and Togo, but also over other African kingdoms, most notable being the Fon Dahomey (in present-day Benin).

Mythical origins

The mythical origins of the Oyo Empire lie with Oranyan (also known as Oranmiyan), the youngest prince of the Yoruba Kingdom of Ile-Ife. Oranyan made an agreement with his brother to launch a punitive raid on their northern neighbors for insulting their father, the Oba Oduduwa, first of the Oonis of Ife. On the way to the battle, the brothers quarrelled and the army split up. Oranyan's force was too small to make a successful attack, so he wandered the southern shore until reaching Bussa. There the local chief entertained him and provided a large snake with a magic charm attached to its throat. The chief instructed Oranyan to follow the snake until it stopped somewhere for seven days and disappeared into the ground. Oranyan followed the advice and founded Oyo where the serpent stopped. The site is remembered as Ajaka. Oranyan made Oyo his new kingdom and became the first "oba" (meaning 'king' or 'ruler' in the Yoruba language) with the title of "Alaafin of Oyo" (Alaafin means 'owner of the palace' in Yoruba).

Early period

A Survey of Old Oyo Palace Compound

Oranyan, the first oba of Oyo, was succeeded by Oba Ajaka, Alaafin of Oyo. Ajaka was deposed because he was seen to be lacking Yoruba military virtues and allowing his sub-chiefs too much independence. Leadership was then conferred upon Ajaka's brother, Jakuta, who was later deified as the deity Shango. Ajaka was restored after Shango's death. Ajaka returned to the throne thoroughly more warlike and oppressive. His successor, Kori, managed to conquer the rest of what later historians would refer to as metropolitan Oyo.


The heart of metropolitan Oyo was its capital at Oyo-Ile, (also known as Katunga, Old Oyo, or Oyo-oro). The two most important structures in Oyo-Ile were the 'afin', or palace of the Oba, and his market. The palace was at the center of the city, close to the Oba's market which was called 'Oja-oba'. Around the capital was a tall earthen wall for defense with 17 gates. The importance of the two large structures (the palace and the Oja Oba) signified the importance of the king in Oyo.




Who Was Dr. Ishola Oyenusi?

 Who Was Dr. Ishola Oyenusi?

Ishola Oyenusi, prevalently known as Doctor Oyenusi, was a famously outfitted burglar who threatened the individuals of Lagos and other neighboring urban areas during the 1970s.

Ishola Oyenusi and his posse of six were exceptionally talented in grabbing vehicles, looting banks, manufacturing plants, stores, and slaughtering individuals like chickens.

Was Ishola Oyenusi Really A Medical Doctor?

Dr. Oyenusi, as he was called, was not a specialist by calling but rather received the title for entertainment purposes. The proof lies in an admission he made a couple of moments before his execution.

He admitted that his folks were not fit for encouraging his auxiliary school training and that was what constrained him into the theft. So without having an auxiliary school instruction, Oyenusi by no chance could have been a clinical specialist.

🕸 Oyenusi’s Robbery Exploits

Oyenusi began his theft profession by grabbing a vehicle (whose proprietor kicked the bucket all the while) in light of the fact that his (Oyenusi) sweetheart required some cash. It was guaranteed by certain sources that Oyenusi was sentimental.

He sold the vehicle at the cost of N400 and gave the cash to his better half. It was additionally said that Oyenusi was hot-tempered and calm egotistical. During his capture, he roared down on a cop who was guiding him around. He stated, “individuals as you don’t converse with me like that when I’m equipped, I weapon them down!”

Specialist Ishola Oyenusi came into the spotlight after the Nigerian common war ended in 1970. He ransacked banks and individuals in both sunshine and night, and he never let any of his casualties live to see one more day; he killed them all! This earned him the name “Specialist loot and murder”.

At the stature of his horrendous rule, Ishola Oyenusi boasted that “the slug has no force”. He most likely overlooked that he who lives by the blade will definitely bite the dust by the sword. Oyenusi was scandalous to such an extent that he was viewed by certain individuals as the “primary commended equipped burglar in Nigeria”, and after him was Lawrence Anini, Babatunde Folorunsho (Baba oni trim), Shina Rambo, Buraimo Jimoh and others.

🕸 Ishola Oyenusi’s Arrest

Be that as it may, nothing keeps going forever, and as the Yoruba aphorism says, ordinary has a place with the criminal while a day has a place with the proprietor.

On the 27th of March, 1971, Oyenusi was grabbed by the police during one of his burglary activities where he and his infamous posse slaughtered a police constable named Mr. Nwi and took $28,000 as at that point. The haze of disgrace drifted above Doctor Ishola Oyenusi as he was cast under the watchful eye of the law and saw as liable at that point condemned to death by terminating crew.

Oyenusi admitted that he was not to kick the bucket alone on the grounds that he didn’t carry out the violations alone.

He regurgitated the names of different individuals from the posse which were as per the following: Joseph Osamedike, Ambrose Nwokobia, Joel Amamieye, Philip Ogbolumain, Ademola Adegbitan, and Stephen Ndubuokwu.

In those days, open execution was the thing to get done, so when Oyenusi was guided to the mainstream Bar Beach in Lagos where he was to be executed, more than 30,000 Nigerians were cheerfully and enthusiastically standing by to see the man who had threatened them get perplexed by hot projectiles. It was said that some government workers even carried a final resting place to the execution ground to deride the once strong looter boss who was present only a substitute whose breath would be depleted at whatever second.

🕸 Ishola Oyenusi’s execution

Trucks conveying Oyenusi and his agents showed up at the execution ground around 10:am. Specialist Oyenusi, his posse individuals, and one other criminal got down gradually.

Individuals scoffed and booed them, particularly Oyenusi who they had truly trooped out to watch bite the dust. Oyenusi wore a dull long-sleeve shirt and had his hands bound behind him.

He was perspiring lavishly yet figured out how to grin right to the stakes. He continued grinning, grinning, and grinning however could at present not conceal the desolation and fear composed strikingly all over.

Few moments before he was shot, Oyenusi told writers that he would not have wandered into furnished theft if his folks were fit for sending him to optional school.

He additionally said, “I am biting the dust for the offense I have submitted”. Oyenusi and different lawbreakers were secured to the stakes. The fighters lined before them and pointed their ever prepared weapons. A portion of the lawbreakers hollered their final expressions of dissent at the cameras. At that point, a boisterous voice let out “fire”! Oyenusi and other hoodlums’ bodies were splashed with shots.

That was the dramatic finish of Ishola Oyenusi who lived by the projectiles and kicked the bucket by the slugs. The execution of Doctor Ishola Oyenusi sent the lanes of Lagos abandoned around evening time. Families bolted themselves behind entryways for the dread that a portion of Oyenusi’s young men may fight back.

This dread kept going long that even in 1977, the veteran film director, Eddie Ugbomah, called for entertainers to assume the job of Oyenusi in a film he was going to create named “The Rise and Fall of Dr. Oyenusi”, however, no on-screen character was courageous enough to step forward to assume the job.

They all expected that Oyenusi’s young men may give them pepper. Eddie Ugbomah had no way out than to assume the job of Oyenusi himself. In the film, he uncovered the insider facts of top Nigerian authorities and military men backing Oyenusi and his pack by giving them cash and weapons.

True to form, Eddie Ugbomah was compromised, and later, his store was plundered. He was advised in a letter to quit shooting the film and everything would come back to him. In any case, Eddie Ugbomah demonstrated not to be a weakling by in the long run discharging the film in 1977.

Lately, a Nollywood actor, Odunlade Adekola, likewise discharged a film (Oyenusi) enumerating the life of Ishola Oyenusi, the most infamous Nigerian furnished looter.

The name Ishola Oyenusi will everlastingly be recalled throughout the entire existence of wrongdoing in Nigeria.



Auchi Poly Expels 40 Students

 Auchi Poly Expels 40 Students 

The Management of Auchi Polytechnic says it had expelled 40 students over results falsification and deficiency at the point of entry into some programmes at the institution. 

In a news bulletin by the Information and Public Relations Unit of the institution on Wednesday and endorsed by Adebola Ogunboyowa, Head of the unit, the polytechnic said the students were expelled following the outcome of the regular verification exercise for the 2020/2021 academic session.

According to Ogunboyowa, the affected students were involved in forgery and falsification of results to gain admission into National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) programmes.

Ogunboyowa said the expelled students cut across different departments in the polytechnic, adding that the Rector of the institution, Dr Salisu Umar, had proposed 12 new programmes to commence in 2022/2023 academic session. 



TASCE: Abiodun renames College of Education after Awujale.

 TASCE: Abiodun renames College of Education after Awujale. 

Governor Dapo Abiodun of Ogun State has formally renamed the Tai-Solarin College of Education (TASCE), Omu-Ajose as the Sikiru Adetona College of Education, Science and Technology (SACOETEC) with a pledge that the institution would remain a College of Education with the mandate to groom middle level teachers for the educational System of the country.

 Abiodun who made this known during the formal unveiling of Sikiru Adetona College of Education, Science and Technology, said that his administration would not relent in its quest to make the institution an envy of others in the country.

While noting that despite the change in the name, the governor pointed out that the institution will continue to run its degree programmes, as well as accommodate science and technology courses.

He declared that his administration would be supporting the College in the area of infrastructure, disclosing that the ongoing reconstruction of road from Ala passing through Omu-Ijebu would soon be commissioned.

"We are gathered today to celebrate a milestone to a glorious future for this institution. Today Tai Solarin College of Education will cease to exist and in its place, we now have Sikiru Adetona College of Education Science and Technology, Omu-Ajose.

"The College will remain a College of Education with a mandate to groom middle level teachers for our educational System. The College will continue to run its degree programmes in affiliation with universities.

"We will also be supporting the College in the area of infrastructure; in fact, very soon, we will  commission the internal roads of the College and the road from Ala passing through Omu," he said.

Abiodun who said that Ijebuland has prospered under the Awujale, also commended the monarch for single handedly establishing a world-class International Institute of Governance at the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye.

He further acknowledged the monarch for not only creating room for development in the land, an praised him for also facilitating developmental programmes through his friends and associates into the state.

The state helmsman who also called on the sons and daughters of Ijebuland to see the unveiling of new college as a challenge to make their presence felt in the institution, said: "Just as Ijebuland is blessed with long and progressive reign of Kabiyesi, the time has come for us to join hands in creating a legacy for Kabiyesi by investing heavily in this institution".

The Speaker, Ogun State House of Assembly, Olakunle Oluomo, who noted that there was no dissenting voice when the bill to change the name of the institution was brought to the House, added that the contribution of the monarch to the growth of education in the state is highly commendable.

Earlier in his remarks, the Chairman of the Governing Council of the institution, Adeyemi Adefulu, said that the emergence of the college as Sikiru Adetona College of Education, Science and Technology was part of the massive and fundamental re-organisation of the college.

Adefulu while noting that the Governing-Council has been instrumental in achieving stability in the college, said that the council has zero tolerance for indiscipline and lawlessness.

He, however, commended Governor Abiodun for his immeasurable support for the institution, submitting that, "the saving of TASCE now Sikiru Adetona College of Education, Science and Technology(SACOETEC) from perdition is sufficient proof of the governor's commitment to educational development and adroit management".

The Awujale and Paramount ruler of Ijebuland,Oba Sikiru Adetona while commending the Governor for his leadership style, said that his various performances speak volume of a man who is well accepted by the people.

Oba Adetona who opined that the forthcoming coming election is a done deal for the governor, said that the governor is fully in control of things in the state.





Farotimi Okunade was a Yoruba prince of the Egbedi Quarters and a direct descendant of Owa Ofokutu ( 27th ruler of Ilesha)…. His drummers sang of his military feats and sang in his praise saying : a re omo ro L’ese oke.’… ( one who takes off his enemy’s head at the foot of the sacred hill)….the cognomen got him his name “Arimoro.’

He was a sworn enemy of Ibadan… reason being that during previous campaigns including Ijebu Ere and Ara expeditions, Ilesha always fought against Ibadan…. twice in the past, Ilesha was on the losing start and Ibadan wariors raided Ijesha in reprisal…. In these two raids, all his possessions and family were carted away to Ibadan as booty of war. With the painful loss, he swore to avenge the humiliation and resist Ibadan till his last breadth. To better prepare himself for future engagements, he formed a band of warriors and built a private militia.

His first opportunity came at the Igbajo war. Igbajo was a cosmopolitan city of many Yoruba factions ( hence the name Igbajo, meaning community of different people). Ijesha wanted to annex Igbajo in a campaign to absorb all lesser kingdoms in the region as well as reduce Ibadan’s influence in the region…. the Bale of Ibadan sent Balogun Akere to reinforce Igbajo. The Balogun showed the legendary battle skills of Ibadan and totally subjugated the Ijesha warriors. Many of the generals of Ijesha perished in the battle, including Lejoka, Risinkin and Lejofi. Arimoro managed to escape but he had to go underground for a while to rebuild his militia.

Three years later, Ibadan launched a full scale war on Ijesha. Once again, Arimoro played a great role in the war and for the first time, Ibadan warriors noticed him as a potential problem. After series of combats with which Ibadan closed in dangerously on Ijesha, Arimoro escaped to Akure to avoid being caught and executed. A siege was laid by Ibadan on Ijesha to cut it off from the outside world and push to people of Ijesha to near starvation. This forced Ijesha to surrender and submit to the sovereignty of Ibadan.

While in Akure, Arimoro received constant sad news of how Ibadan totally subjugated his ancestral home into a tributary vassal of Ibadan and the imposed Ajeles. For few years after, he waited for another opportunity to defend his ancestral home from exile. During his campaigns at Akure, he met Fabunmi of Oke Mesi and identified with the rising momentum to rebel against Ibadan in the region. when events finally led to a full scale revolt against Ibadan Ajeles, Arimoro took part in the riots. After the massacre of the Ajeles at Ekiti, he went back home with his militia and took the front row place in a similar full scale revolt against ajeles in the region leading with example by killing the Ajeles at Ilesha. In a short while, all the Ajeles of the region would be massacred as was the case at Ekiti.

He joined the Ekiti Parapo army and fought alongside folk heroes like Ogedengbe and Fabunmi. After the end of the war, he came back to Ilesha in 1887 as a war hero. In 1896, he was offered the throne of Ilesha but he refused, as he had all political interests and chieftancy offers prior, claiming that his motivation for his ancestral home was nothing but love. He stepped down for his brother Haastrup to take the throne.

Arimoro died in 1898 at a very old age.





Alabukun, one of the oldest drugs in Nigeria and even is still very relevant and popular today. However, not many know the Jacob Odulate aka Blessed Jacob, a Nigerian pharmacist, inventor and entrepreneur and the brain behind the brand that has remained relevant selling in all parts of Nigeria, Benin republic, Cameroon, Ghana and some parts of Europe.

1.Jacob Sogboyega Odulate aka Blessed Jacob was born into a polygamous family in 1884.

2.He was originally from Ikorodu in Lagos State but later moved to the neighbouring Ogun State.

3.At age 14, he trekked for three months from Ikorodu before reaching Abeokuta to establish himself.

4. Blessed Jacob managed to create a brand from what served as his consulting room and workshop in Abeokuta. His modest headquarters was at the Sapon Area, not far from where he later built his famous three-storey building in Ijemo Agbadu.

5.In 1918, he invented the legendary Alabukun powder which is now a hit in the world’s most populous nation and in other West African nations.

6.He sent his children to study at some of the best universities in Durham, Newcastle, United States of America and London. e.g Mrs. Folake Odulate (later to become Chief. Mrs. Folake Solanke) who is the first female lawyer in Nigeria to wear the silk and she also became the first female Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN). In 1966, she established the first law firm by a Nigerian female at Ibadan, Oyo State and named it Alabukun Chambers in honour of her great father.

7. Apart from making the drugs, the energetic Blessed Jacob also produced other brands like Alabukun mentholine, other preparations and an annual journal called Alabukun Almanac which was widely distributed in Abeokuta and eventually all over Nigeria between the 1920s and 1950s.

8.He died in 1962 at age 78.




The burial place of the legendary and biblical Queen of Sheba, locally known among Yoruba people as Bilikisu Sungbo, has turned a place of worship and tourism in Nigeria. Millions of people visit annually from different parts of the world to share the mystery surrounding Bilikisu Sungbo grave-turned-shrine located in Oke-Eri, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria. 

The historical queen, Bilikisu Sungbo, was said to have traveled all the way from Ethiopia down to Ijebu-Ode where she died and was buried. The natives of Ijebu-Ode hold strong and popular claims about the identity of the controversial Bilikisu Sungbo. They claimed that she was the Queen of Sheba mentioned in the bible to have visited the wise king Solomon at height of his powers. They also claimed that Bilikisu Sungbo was the Quranic Queen Baliqs of Ethopia (from which the name Bilikisu was derived) who visited king Sulaiman. Another source has it that Bilikisu Sungbo was a wealthy woman and the leader of a group of women potters who traveled to far away places. Also, she was believed to possess supernatural powers with which she dug ditches around villages in Ijebu-Ode.

The tradition of the Ijebu people forbid women and dogs to visit the spot where Bilikisu Sungbo was buried. At the shrine, there is a small open ground with no grass growing on it. This place is said to be the place where the ancient queen was washed before being buried, and because of her supernatural powers, no plant or grass can ever grow on the spot.

In 1995, Bilikisu Sungbo’s shrine was added to the cultural category of UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Bilikisu Sungbo ‘grave-shrine’ will forever remain a pride of Ijebu-Ode people.


The Mugbamugba War – Second Attempt by Yorubas to Regain Control of Ilorin

 The Mugbamugba War – Second Attempt by Yorubas to Regain Control of Ilorin

After the Fulani Jamma murdered Are-Ona-Kakanfo Afonja and seized control of Ilorin, Abdulsalam, the son of Shehu Alimi, became the first Fulani ruler of Ilorin.

Abdulsalam ruled with the title of Emir and not Oba which proved that the Yorubas had completely lost control of Ilorin, a Yoruba town, to the Fulanis.

In a bid to restore the control of Ilorin in the hands of the Yoruba people, Toyeje, the Baale of Ogbomoso and the new Are-Ona-Kakanfo, led an attack on Ilorin to expel the Fulanis but failed

After sometime, between the months of March and April when garden egg (Igba) was ripe for harvest, another attempt was made by the Yorubas to chase Fulani people out of Ilorin but failed again.

During this period, the whole land was already devastated by the previous wars and consequently there were no farms for foraging. Ilorin had also ran out of food, so both sides had no food to eat than garden egg (ìgbá) thus the war was named Mugbamugba.

The Yorubas suffered untold defeat in the Mugbamugba war. They did not know how else they could fight the Fulanis who were expert horsemen with potent charms. Monija, the king of Rabbah and a mercenary fighting on the side of the Yorubas, fled to his town leaving the Yorubas to their fate.

To crown their victory, the Fulanis of Ilorin attacked all towns in the directions of Offa, Erinle and Igbona. The Olofa of Offa with Asegbe (his Ilari) escaped to Ikoyi.


Johnson, Samuel; The History of the Yorubas; Lagos; CSS Limited; 1921; pg. 80-81

Omipidan, Teslim; The true and sad story of how Afonja lost Ilorin and its kingship to Fulani people; OldNaija

Willtopowereduconsult History Villa

EDUCATIONBREAKING: ASUU Suspends 8-Month-Old Strike Conditionally

EDUCATIONBREAKING: ASUU Suspends 8-Month-Old Strike Conditionally 

 Academic Staff Union of University (ASUU) has suspended its eight-month-old industrial action conditionally, a member of the union’s National Executive Committee told Channels TV early Friday.

The union decided to suspend the strike during a meeting of its leadership that started on Thursday night and lasted into the early hours of Friday.

The meeting was called by the union to determine its next line of action after its state branches met over the Court of Appeal ruling last week.

The Court of Appeal had ordered ASUU to suspend the strike before its appeal of the ruling ordering lecturers to resume work can be heard.

Members of the union’s National Executive Committee, which comprises the chairmen of the state chapters and members of the national executive, attended the meeting at the ASUU National Secretariat in Abuja.

ASUU has been on strike since February 14 this year. 


ASUU ready to call off strike – Falana


ASUU ready to call off strike – Falana

Counsel for the Academic Staff Union of Universities, Femi Falana, on Monday stated that his clients were ready to call off the strike.

In a terse message to our correspondent, the Senior Advocate of Nigeria also called on the Federal Government to fast track and finalise its negotiations with ASUU.

He expressed confidence that the meeting between the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, and the presidency over the matter, would yield positive results.

Responding to enquiry on the state of the ASUU strike, Falana said, “Our clients are ready to call off the strike. The Federal Government should fast track the and finalise the negotiations.

“Hon Gbajabiamila and his colleagues in the House of Representatives have been in touch with the Presidency over the matter.

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“I am reasonably confident that the consultations between the House and the Presidency will yield positive results in the interest of the striking lecturers and the students.”

Following a meeting with the presidency, Gbajabiamila on Friday said the house has done its part to end the months-long ASUU strike and Nigerians will hear the outcome of the deliberations from the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.).

The Court of Appeal in Abuja, on Friday, ordered the Academic Staff Union of Universities to call off its seven-month strike.

The court gave the order after dismissing the union’s application for a stay of execution of an earlier ruling of the National Industrial Court directing the university lecturers to resume work.

The ASUU National President, Professor Emmanuel Osodeke had said that the union will study the ruling of the appeal court which ordered its members to return back to work.


Ogun Elèduwé

 Ogun ElèduwĂ© 

After Ilorin have conquer some of  the village around old oyo empire and they have be come very powerful..emir Abdul salam think I have to make a history and send message to Oyo..well some people think if I'm talking about Oyo they think is the recent Oyo well I'm taking about old Oyo not Oyo Atiba Agoja the resent one that you all know ..he said in his message that he wanted to see Alafin in Ilorin that he should pay him a visit in Ilorin...

When the Messenger got to Oyo he deliver his message and said Emir said he want to see you in Ilorin and if you don't come you shall see war locking your door...

Alafin Oluawu was very surprised and call all his chiefs and deliver the message to them..first to speak his Basorun the highest rank and war Lord ..he said we have to do as emir command  and the remaining Chiefs support  his thought... He said those fulani no how to fight and conquer they  always kill who didn't follow their orders... Alafin Oluawu was speechless in the meeting and he call it a day...

Alafin Oluawu was so worry and said no one disrespect Oyo as abdulsalam wanted to do ... He was  so worryed but he known that his Chiefs are in support of what Emir want to do and he know that they can betray him and kill him as they did to late Alafin... So he have nothing to do down to follow what is Chiefs have said in the meeting and send a message to Ilorin that we are coming..

The following month they travel down to Ilorin...when they got there Emir create a place for him and his chiefs.. Emir I make an event all people come to see if it is true that Alafin came or not.... The first thing that Emir  did is that I can allow you in my land to worship your gods and I don't want masquerade here you have to send them back to Oyo  Alafin look straight to his Chiefs eyes and Bashorun said all is going to be done... Emir move on I have convert Alafin to Muslim and he sit him down in front of all people and he was  tying turban on Alafin Oluawu head and all his Chiefs are happy about it...the following day Kakaki was try to wake Alafin up...but once Emir abdulsalam heard that he said you are forbidden to do so here.....

After this visit..back to Oyo Alafin was so sad and unhappy about what Emir did to him I wanted to commit suicide but he later think if he commit suicide his this what is going to tell  Oromiyan and he cut it off...he now think I have to destroy Ilorin and burn it to grand but he have to conquer all his chiefs before he can do has he plan...he send message to his friend Oba Ibaruba that he want him to come in silence and kill all his Chiefs especially Bashorun..and Oba Ibaruba did as he friend ask him to do.. after that Alafin send a message to Ilorin that the the battle I have been draw

Alafin said to his friend I know my people they are all betrayers that is why I seek help from you...me and you have fight this war alone I need all your soldiers and please make it faster because Fulani are very smart...and Oba Ibaruba said I will help you my friend don't worry ..

Oba Ibaruba send message to his soldiers I want you all in Oyo..in calculation that rev Samuel Johnson make he said Oba Ibaruba generate 40,000 soldiers for Alafin Oluawu and Alafin himself make 50,000 soldiers in total 90,000 soldiers during this time gun as been introduced to Yoruba land....but Ibaruba didn't have gun and Ilorin either.. Ibaruba know how to use a  cutlass, spear, arrow, etc.. Ilorin only believe in their horses.... Is not like Yoruba conquer Ilorin but that time is not possible for someone on ground to fight someone on horse that is the problem.. Ogbomoso to Ilorin to Old oyo empire all is like a desert that horse operate so that is problem they are also  facing during that time.. that is why Ijesa conquer Ilorin in ( Pole war ) because Ijasha is a forest so horses can't operate..the first war was taking place in a place call Otaefun around Ogbomoso when Ilorin plan to just make the war end once and for all they silently worked to Otaefun and start the war immediately and the war was so hard for Ilorin because Ibaruba didn't mind to die in a war and they  started fighting Ilorin with strength they don't mind Ilorin horses that is where Oba Ibaruba lost his first son but they conquer Ilorin and killed them madness eliminated all the important soldier in ilorin....the news was deliver to Emir and he was so scared about that and he seek help from Sokoto that he need soldiers and he was given.. in rev Samuel Johnson  calculation he said Emir was blessed by 150 thousand soldiers...when the news was deliver to Oba Ibaruba and Alafin of Oyo they are so worry and scread about it  that is where Oba Ibaruba advice Alafin Oluawu that you have to forget about your ethnic are  betrayers in this middle of this road ...you have to seek help from them as well 

Alafin Oluawu send a message to Egba under Sodeke, Ibadan under Oloyole, Ijaye under kurumi,Ede, ijebu under Awujale Fesegbowa, Ogbomoso, and this is where he make a big mistake by send message to Akeyo Atiba ( Akeyo mean prince).. rev Samuel Johnson and LAK jimoh said in calculation 200,000 soldiers was gathered in Ogbomoso..and they are planning how to win the war..and spend  6 month about planning a war rev Samuel Johnson said the why  Alafin Oluawu lost the war.. because Ibaruba like eating goats and they will not seeking urgent of the owner before taking it ... Alafin Atiba feel jealous to first war Oba Ibaruba win for Alafin Oluawu...that is where Ayeyo Atiba call a secret meeting he call Kurumi,Timi of Ede, Ogbomoso, Sodeke, that do you see what Ibaruba his doing on our father land's  and brainwash them that we are not winning any war for Alafin Oluawu that he should only fight with his friend alone and they all accept that..but they didn't tell Oloyole of Ibadan about their plan.. Ogbomoso to Ilorin it just 16 km..using legs it take a day but they use 2 weeks to travel down there to battleground rev Samuel Johnson said this is order way Alafin Oluawu lost the war....

Atiba send a message to Emir abdulsalam that (Asin iyawo bo si Ile oko oo) mean we are no more in support of the war...the war started and Atiba and his colleagues didn't shoot a single bullet and they are all running back while Alafin and Oba Ibaruba and Oluyole was fighting Ilorin a brutality  war.. Oluyole and his Army  were chasing  Ilorin soldiers to their main town Ilorin while Alafin and Oba Ibaruba was fighting in the middle of the battleground..they think Atiba and his colleagues were in covered but not knowing that they have left the battleground for them Alafin Oluawu and Oba Ibaruba was surrounded by Ilorin army and killed them bearded  Alafin Oluawu and his friend... Oluyole it about to enter Ilorin that where he notice that Atiba and kurumi and other were not fighting any more...and he send a message to his friend kurumi that what is going on..that his where kukumi tell him we are not fighting Ilorin again we are fight Alafin.




Ilaro town was founded in the 18th century by Aro who migrated from a state Oyo town to settle down in Igbo Aje, a little hill situated at the centre of the town from where he and his warriors could sight enemies (mostly slave traders from the neighbouring Benin republic known then as Dahomey) on attack from a long distance. Aro himself was a warrior and a hunter to be reckoned with. Ilaro had her name from "Ilu Aro" meaning the settlement of Aro which later became Ilaro for ease of pronunciation. Ancient Ilaro town was blessed with great farmers, hunters and warriors. 

The Oronna Festival is an ancient festival celebrated by the Ilaro Kingdom. The Ilaro people celebrate the Oronna festival annually to preserve, uphold, and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Ilaro Kingdom. Oronna who was known by the Ilaro people to be a hero, a brave warrior who was said to have brought several victories to the land during war, mostly against the Dahomeans Army who constantly threatens the peace of the Land. He was a man who distinguishes, and committed himself to the safety, well-being of the land as he stood in war to defend the land against intruders. 

This place where Orona disappeared into the ground with his Leopard is today known as the Orona Shrine and has been renovated and constructed as an emolument for lovers of history and tourists. It is also the location where the coronation of every new traditional ruler of the town is performed. The Orona Ilaro Festival is celebrated annually in remembrance of the great warrior.

The Orona Ilaro festival is however most significant for its attraction of culture and tourism enthusiasts to the town. The festival which always happen by November is one that last for  one week. Within this one week are lots events that features all of Ilaro cultural and social life such as:  Street Carnival, Tourism activities, cultural beauty pageant, masquerade displays and festival dances, a talent hunt, Medical check-up programs and many more.



 OOGUN KIRIJI -The World’s Longest Ethnic Civil War (1877 - 1893)

The Kiriji War, an epic battle fought by the Yoruba for 16 years, is believed to be the World’s Longest Civil War by any ethnic group. The war, according to historians, was the fiercest tribal war among the Yoruba ethnic group of Southwest Nigeria and the Kiriji War, which ended almost 122 years ago led to the signing of a Peace Treaty on September 23, 1886.


Ibadan, a relatively new establishment that had the honour of filling the oversized shoes of the former Oyo Empire as the protector of the Yoruba nation against external attacks. But the military successes and wealth raked in by Ibadan in its military expeditions soon posed serious challenges. 

Like all global super-powers, Ibadan was said to embark on an expansionist programme that extended its reach to much of Yorubaland. It started appointing District Officers known as ‘Ajeles’ to rule the conquered territories on its behalf.

It did not take long for the ‘Ajeles’ to transform into despots. They became corrupt and power-drunk, demanding ridiculous homage and exorbitant tributes. The Yoruba vassal states of Ijesha and Ekiti revolted and massacred the Ibadan-appointed ‘Ajeles’.

They formed a confederacy called Ekiti Parapo (Ekiti Brotherhood) and declared their independence from Ibadan. Ibadan knew the dire consequences of allowing such action to go unpunished as it would encourage other conquered territories to declare independence. 

Ibadan wanted a centralized political system, with a central economy, a command military structure, a central administration and a forcefully united Yoruba Nation, while the other Yoruba subgroups wanted a decentralized structure, where all the federating units would be autonomous and would be able to plan their political future based on their own heritage.

This led to the epic Yoruba war called the Kiriji War in 1877 when the Ibadan police, navy, infantry and artillery soldiers, led by ‘General’ Obadoke Latoosa invaded the entire commonwealth of Yoruba nation, pummeled the sacred institutions, raided the markets and the deepest hinterlands and sought to proclaim a forcefully united Yoruba nation. 

Kiriji war is the longest civil war by any ethnic group (1877 -1893) lasting 16years.

The Major Actors and Causalities:

Ibadan was led by its commander-in-chief, Aare Obadoke Latosa, while the Ekiti Parapo army was led by Fabunmi of Oke-Imesi. 

The Ibadan army pitched their camp at Igbajo while the Ekiti Parapo camped at Imesi-Ile. 

Somewhere along the line, Saraibi Ogedengbe (famously known as Ogedengbe Agbogungboro), the Balogun of Ijeshaland, became the General/Commander-in-Chief of the Ekiti Parapo army, and the appointment greatly influenced the turn of events, as Ogedengbe was a renowned military strategist

The war got its name (Kiriji) from the thunderous sound “kiriiiiiiiiji” of the cannon guns which the Ekitiparapo purchased in large numbers. The cannon gave them an advantage over the Ibadans.

Ekiti Parapo enlisted several Yoruba tribes like Igbomina, Akoko, Egbe, Kabba and the Oworro (a Yoruba sub-tribe in Lokoja, Kogi State). 

Lagos, Ijebu and Egba were said to have assisted Ekiti Parapo against Ibadan, seen by all, as a common threat to the Yoruba commonwealth. 

Ilara Mokin in Ondo State was said to have been the headquarters of the Ekiti Parapo secret service.

Several Yoruba towns, such as Osogun and Ijaiye, were wiped out in the course of the war. Igbajo barely escaped total destruction.

Eventually, Ibadan found itself fighting on five fronts. First, in the South against the Egba who confined their activities to raids and surprise attacks; secondly, against the Ijebu, in the same south, who pitched a camp against them at Oru under Balogun Onafowokan; thirdly, the main war at Kiriji in the East, where their forces fought a long battle against the Ekiti and Ijesa (Ekiti-Parapo forces) under the command of Ogedengbe; fourthly, at Offa in the north, where they faced the Ilorin Fulani who pitched their camp against the people of Offa (an ally of Ibadan); and finally at Ile-Ife where the Ife people joined the alliance against them in 1882.

However, in spite of Ibadan's disadvantages in the war, these five forces could not effect its defeat. A state of stalemate was reached, from which only the intervention of an outside force could redeem the whole Yoruba Nation.

Eku isinmi o.

Ara lao mada o, ao ni daran. Arambara!!




After Bashorun Oluyole’s death. Oderinlo who was his Balogun was next in line to succeed him. Because of the purges and wars that Oluyole engineered during his time as the leader of Ibadan, all the chiefs that were senior to Oderinlo had died before Oluyole or soon after Oluyole’s own death. So there was practically no rival to Oderinlo’s position as Balogun and ruler of the town.

Oderinlo rose to prominence as one of the chiefs who played an active role in the rebellion against Lakanle and the latter’s subsequent suicide. There seemed to have been some form of close ties between him and Oluyole. It is likely to Oderinlo was at least an associate if not a close friend of the Bashorun. It was the influence of Oluyole that he became the Otun Balogun to Bankole Aleshinloye, the first Balogun under Oluyole. After Aleshinloye’s death, Oderinlo became the Balogun. Oderinlo was the Balogun who led the Ibadan troops to fight in the second Ibadan- Ilorin war at Osogbo, a war that Ibadan won comprehensively.

The Army of Ibadan equally attacked Ilesa to rescue Oshogbo. From that war, the Ibadan Army ventured into Ekiti for the relief of Otun, which was attacked by Ilorin Army. They also fought in Ara to reinstate the Alara who was then having problems with his people. He was among the six generals who plotted against Oluyole after that campaign. He was also among the four who later rescinded that decision, leaving the two who did not rescind, Lajubu and Akinluyi to die in a purge by the Bashorun.

At the time Bashorun Oluyole died, Balogun Oderinlo was planning to go on a war to Oke Ogun. So when the entire council of Ibadan invited him to become the Baale He declined, saying he wanted to win that war first. Historians speculate that he wanted to gather the wealth from that war to boost his claim to the rulership of Ibadan at the time.

Balogun Oderinlo went to the war and came back. He won the war and gathered enough loot and slaves to bring back to Ibadan. However, a few months after his triumphant return to Ibadan from Oke Ogun, as he was set to be announced as the Baale of Ibadan, Balogun Oderinlo died mysteriously. To this day nobody knows how Balogun Oderinlo died, but the sudden and mysterious nature of his death has led many to speculate that he may have been poisoned. But no body could pinpoint who did the warrior the fatal blow.

After his demise, Baale Opeagbe replaced him on the throne of Ibadan. Balogun Oderinlo has been honoured in Ibadan, a statue of him stands at Beere not far from Mapo Hall and the statue of Bashorun Oluyole. His house and some of his descendants live not far from Oja’ba to this day. His son Tanpe, would become a chief of Ibadan.





An important part of the history of Nigeria is her colonial story. Under colonialism and under the administration of Britain, the Queen (Queen Elizabeth) was the highest monarchical authority who was in control of government affairs. She carried out ceremonial functions in her position as head of state in the colonised Nigeria. She was also the monarch of the other common wealth realms, including the United Kingdom.

Even when Nigeria gained her independence in 1960, the Queen still held a high and important status in Nigeria. Queen Elizabeth was Queen of Nigeria from 1960-1963, the time between the nation’s independence and when she became a republic. You can see now the reasons her visits to Nigeria were always with such great fuss.

During her reign as head of state and Queen of Nigeria, Queen Elizabeth visited Nigeria twice.

The first time was in 1956, from the 28th of January to the 16th of February, 1956. At the airport, she was welcomed by federal dignitaries which included the Minister for Labour and Welfare at the time, Festus Okotie-Eboh and Governor-General Sir James Robertson. She was driven around in a Rolls Royce in the country’s capital, Lagos with lots of fun fare and royal services. She spent time in the Northern part of the country with the Sultan where she visited Kano and Kaduna. She also visited Jos and Enugu. The second time was when she attended the Common wealth Heads of Government meeting which was held between the 3rd to the 6th of December, 2003.

The 2003 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting was the eighteenth meeting of the Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Nations. It was held in Abuja, Nigeria and hosted by the then President, Olusegun Obasanjo.

During the meeting, the Zimbabwean issue was dominant. This was the dispute over Zimbabwe’s suspension which led to another dispute over the re-election of Secretary-General Don McKinnon. Before the end of the meeting, Robert Mugabe’s announced that Zimbabwe was withdrawing from the Commonwealth. 

This best explains the need for the presence of the Queen at the meeting. In a letter addressed towards the Nigerian President at the time, the Queen explained that her visit was a demonstration of the value Britain attached to its relations with Nigeria and recognition of the country’s role on the international stage. Queen Elizabeth opened the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Abuja on Friday, 5th December. Herself and the Duke of Edinburgh (often referred to as Her Majesty and His Royal Highness respectively) also attended other events during the Meeting.

During the Queen’s first visit in 1956, she went on a tour, known as the Queen’s 1956 Tour of Nigeria and the following incidents took place:

- Queen Arrives In Lagos (1956)

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip received welcome in the Nigerian capital, Lagos at the very start of the Royal tour

- Inauguration Of New Federal Courts (1956)

The Queen attended the inauguration of the new federal courts in Nigeria.

- The Queen was at the Durbar also known as the Royal Durbar (1956)

At Kaduna, the then capital of Northern Nigeria, Queen attended a Royal Durbar

- Queen Elizabeth And Duke Philip Visited Jos – Tin Mines (1956)

Nigerian tribal canoes held a regatta for the Queen at Port Harcourt on the Ronny River after which she visited a Leper colony

- Queen went on a tour in Enugu, Nigeria (1956)

When on the Royal tour, The Queen went on a visit to children’s rally and a tribal dancing at Enugu, Nigeria.

In Lagos, Queen Elizabeth attended a garden party and a formal session of the Federation Parliament.

- The life of Queen Elizabeth

 Queen Elizabeth became queen following her father’s death in 1952. She was 25 years old at the time and became the queen regent of seven independent Commonwealth countries which were the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon (later renamed Sri Lanka). Many of the colonial realms, to include Nigeria gained independence during the course of her reign. As of the year, 2018, Queen Elizabeth II has been ruling England for 66years and is currently the longest-reigning British monarch in history

- The role of Queen Elizabeth in colonial Nigeria

British influence in Nigeria began with the prohibition of the slave trade to British subjects in 1807. In 1861, Britain incorporated Lagos and in 1884, the Oil River Protectorate was established. It was at the Berlin’s conference of 1885 that other European powers acknowledged Britain’s dominance over the Niger area.

From 1886 to 1899, much of the Niger area was ruled by the Royal Niger Company, authorized by charter, and governed by George Taubman Goldie. On 1 January 1900, the Royal Niger Company transferred its territories to the British government for the sum of £865,000; the Southern Nigeria Protectorate and Northern Nigeria Protectorate were then passed from the Royal Niger Company to the Crown. The constitutions after the world war were progressive and allowed for increased representation and electoral government by Nigerians. The colonial period in Nigeria was precisely from 1900 to 1960, after which Nigeria gained its independence.

Queen Elizabeth II was Queen of Nigeria forms 1960- 1963: Nigeria was an independent constitutional monarchy. She was also the monarch of the other commonwealth nations such as the United Kingdom.

Nigeria became independent on 1 October 1960 by a British Act of Parliament. Nnamdi Azikiwe was installed as Governor-General of the federation and Tafawa Balewa continued to serve as head of a democratically elected parliamentary. The Queen was head of state in Nigeria, though her constitutional roles were mostly delegated to the Governor-General of Nigeria. The Governor-General represented the British monarch as head of state and was appointed by the Crown on the advice of the Nigerian prime minister in consultation with the premiers of the regions. The Governor-General was also responsible for appointing the prime minister and for choosing a candidate when there was no parliamentary majority. Other than this, the Governor-General’s office was essentially ceremonial.

The retention of the monarchy was not accepted by all and the political parties in Nigeria at the time agreed that the country should be a republic.

Nigeria adopted the President of Nigeria as head of state, on 1 October 1963 and hence, severed its relationship with the  British monarchy.




No writer is better placed than Chinua Achebe to tell the story of the Nigerian Biafran war from a cultural and political perspective. Nigeria's most eminent novelist played a prominent role in the civil war. There Was A Country, speaks about his life during the conflict that nearly tore Nigeria apart in the late 60s.

In many ways, the early part of Achebe's life mirrors the story of early Nigeria. Nicknamed "Dictionary", Achebe was a gifted Igbo student and enthusiastic reader, a member of the "Lucky Generation" of young students who rubbed shoulders at top institutions under the tutelage of Oxbridge colonials. They were effortlessly absorbed into the media, industry and civil service, serving a Nigeria driven by optimism on its way to freedom from British rule.

By independence in 1960, Igbo people dominated commerce and the public sector in a land where the three biggest ethnic groups (the Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo) were jostling for supremacy. Achebe attributes Igbo domination to their self-confidence, inherent democratic values and adaptability, which were suited to Nigeria's modernising economy. But many Nigerians resented it, and Achebe admits that the Igbo could be cocky, brash and materialistic, though he rejects the popular suspicion that there was a pan-Igbo agenda to control Nigeria – his people have too strong an "individualistic ethic".

Six years after independence, corruption and electoral rigging preceded a military coup that overthrew Nigeria's first prime minister, the Muslim northerner, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa. Although most of the coup-plotters were Igbo, Achebe disputes that it was an "Igbo" coup, partly on the basis that its leader, Major Nzeogwu, had grown up in the north and was Igbo in name only. Nevertheless, the murder of Nigeria's northern leaders led to pogroms in which 30,000 Igbos living in the north were killed. The bloodshed culminated in General Emeka Ojukwu's declaration in 1967 that the Igbos' south-eastern region would secede from a country in which his people "felt unwanted".

Fearing the disintegration of Nigeria, the government blocked the secession with military force, backed by a UK government keen to protect its oil interests. Profoundly disappointed by this turn of events, Achebe left his job at the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation in Lagos and returned with his family to the south-east, now calling itself the Republic of Biafra. The Nigerian army launched a three-pronged attack to subdue the Biafrans, who fought back assiduously despite being out-resourced. Achebe describes a wartime spirit that inspired Biafran engineers to build army tanks out of reinforced Range Rovers and to invent the infamous ogbunigwe (bucket bomb) with devastating effect. Though he abhors violence, Achebe cites these as evidence of the quality of the Nigerian people, and he laments the corruption that strangled such ingenuity.

In the middle chapters, memoir gives way to largely neutral historical analysis, with Achebe citing a range of voices, media reports and books. There are interesting insights into the war's two central players: Biafra's leader Ojukwu and Nigerian president, General Yakubu Gowon, both Sandhurst-trained young men. Rivalries between them and within their teams "confounded political science models". Possessing little administrative experience, the two men pursued ego-driven policies, and missed opportunities to end the conflict sooner. Achebe cites Biafran diplomat Raph Uwechue, who accused Ojukwu of choosing ideology over pragmatism when he rejected relief supplies from the British.

In the following chapters, Achebe's personal story re-emerges. Despite the war, he lived a remarkably productive life. Driven by his belief in the political obligations of the writer, he became Biafra's international envoy, promoting the cause in Canada, Europe and Senegal. He set up a publishing company with his close friend Chris Okigbo, and became Biafra's communications minister, writing a manifesto for the republic. He describes being part of an intellectual elite that came together to recreate a Biafran microcosm of Nigeria's early spirit, their ideals drawn from a mix of traditional Igbo philosophy, US-style liberalism and socialism

As the federal army closed in, Achebe and his family moved from town to town before settling in his father's village. The atrocities proved inescapable: at a market, Achebe's wife Christie saw a bomb split a pregnant woman in two. Achebe relays such horrors – including the deaths of his mother and friend Okigbo – with stoic brevity; his strongest expressions of sorrow are his poems, such as the famous "Refugee Mother and Child". Reproduced from his 1971 Biafran poetry book Beware, Soul Brother, these verses are scattered between chapters, offering affecting interludes.

As the conflict dragged on, Biafra buckled under a blockade so brutal it provoked an international outcry: mass starvation, kwashiorkor and mental illness devastated the Igbo landscape, where vultures, those "avian prognosticators of death", circled overhead. Biafra was the world's first properly televised conflict, and millions across the world were appalled by the horrors flickering on their screens. Such people as Joan Baez, John Lennon, Martin Luther King and Karl Vonnegut galvanised international responses to the tragedy, in an age before "Africa fatigue" had set in.

By the time hostilities ended in 1970, three million Biafrans had died, in contrast to 100,000 casualties on the federal side. Igbos weren't mere casualties of war, Achebe insists, but victims of calculated genocide. Ojukwu, meanwhile, escaped to live in exile in CĂ´te d'Ivoire, inviting accusations of cowardice. Achebe rationalises this move on the basis that if the Biafran leader had stayed in Nigeria, Gowon would have been less magnanimous and conciliatory towards Igbos after the war.

Igbos were reintegrated into Nigerian society, but still faced economic discrimination. Achebe offers an excerpt of an interview in which Gowon tries to justify the crippling £20 flat fee given to every Biafran wanting to convert their Biafran currency back to the Nigerian naira. This sense of persecution still persists today: Achebe believes that Igbo people are the engine of Nigeria's advancement, stifled by a corrupt elite that prefers power and mediocrity to meritocracy. Igbo ostracisation, he says, is "one of the main reasons for the country's continued backwardness". Some might call this supremacism, but Achebe is ultimately a Nigerian patriot who sympathises with ordinary Igbos, rather than any broad Igbo power structure.

The final chapter is an exhortation to better governance, in which he examines corruption, ethnic bigotry, state failure and the steps Nigeria must take to rehabilitate itself. This prescriptive wish list reminds us of the gap between theory and practice in Nigerian politics; it makes you pine for the likes of Achebe to govern. But sadly, he's not writing a manifesto; instead, we have in There Was A Country an elegy from a master storyteller who has witnessed the undulating fortunes of a nation.

Rest in peace the Dictionary




In the late 18th century there once lived a farmer who lived in the Ẹgba forest, he was called LĂ­sĂ bĂ­ Agbọ̀ngbọ̀ Ă€kálĂ , he was described as a very tall and broad fellow, who lived in Igbein but originally from Itoku, áşąsĂ­ áşąni mọ áşąiyáşą tĂł sĂş (no one knew who his parents were) but he was said to be a cheerful, hardworking and respective young man.

According to history, the Ẹgbas were then under the suzerain of the OlĂłyo/Aláàfin who received ìsákĂłláşą̀ (tributaries) from the Ẹgbas through his Ajeles (representatives or tax collectors). These Ọyo-Ajeles were reportedly brutish and  avaricious such that the Ẹgbas became tired of their  excesses, but they all resigned to fate, esĂ­ ọhun a má sĂ© Aláàfin l'oni ile baawĂ . While they've all given up, Lisabi was preoccupied with plans on how to liberate his people.

Lisabi took advantage of the breakdown of law and order in Oyo-ile after Afonja's revolt on Aláàfin Aole, he turned the Aro traditional system where farmers helped one another on their farms into an underground army, and changed its name too Egba Olorogun (Egba Ọ̀ ni orogĂşn: Egba has no rival).  They all agreed to the plot and perfected their attacks, when the Ajeles came with their usual raking, Lisabi signalled his small army and nearly all the Ajeles were slaughtered about 600 of them were wiped out. áşąni orĂ­ yọ Ăł di ilĂ©, those who escaped the onslaught reported to Bashorun Ashamu who was acting as a regent in Oyo, and since he could not summon Afonja, he drafted young Oyo and Ibarapa army instead and they head to Igbehin hoping to crush it and bring Lisabi's head to Oyo but "e shock them". Lisabi had ordered everyone to desert the town, he and his army hid in ravines and the Oyo soldiers easily fell into their trap, the Ă’yĂłs were defeated and Lisabi won independence for his people. Ẹgba became an independent state afterwards.

The Lisabi festival is the celebration of Ẹgba independence and the appreciation of his fearlessness and gallantry. 



OSPOLY Charges Prospective JAMB Applicants to Beware of Fake Cut-Off Marks

 OSPOLY Charges Prospective JAMB Applicants to Beware of Fake Cut-Off Marks

Management of Osun State Polytechnic ,Iree has urged members of the public, especially the prospective applicants for the JAMB admission for 2022/2023 Academic Session to disregard the fake cut off marks being circulated in the social media by some unscrupulous elements.

Registrar of the Institution, Mr. Busari Salawu , in a statement described the cut off marks being peddled around as fake and fictitious, saying it did not emanate from the polytechnic.

He said that the Institution has a uniform cut off mark of 120 mark for all its courses.

It would be recalled that the management had on Friday 26th August made an official release on detailed information of guidelines for admission into the Institution. 

The Registrar said: “To qualify for the Post-UTME, applicants must have sat for the 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and chose Osun State Polytechnic, Iree as their First Choice of Institution or be ready to change their First Choice Institution to Osun State Polytechnic, Iree. The applicants must have also scored a minimum of 120 in the 2022 UTME.

The Screening Form, sells for a sum of Two Thousand Naira (N2,000) only.”

The statement added that to register for the Post-UTME screening, interested applicants, are to; use the ATM Card of any bank and go to; ospoly.edu.ng

Click on student portal

Click on post utme form

Use valid email and phone number for the pre registration.

Continue with the link sent to their e-mail addresses.

The applicants are enjoined to use valid telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for the registration.

In addition, applicants are to possess credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and any other three subjects relevant to the proposed course of study.

For further information on our existing programmes and admission requirements, interested candidates are enjoined to visit the polytechnic site: www.ospoly.edu.ng. 


Strike: ASUU To Hold Its NEC Meeting Tomorrow; 29th Aug, 2022

 Strike: ASUU To Hold Its NEC Meeting Tomorrow; Again, To Decide Students' Fate On The Next Decision As Strike Enters 7th Month

The Academic Staff Union of Universifties, ASUU will be holding its National Executive Council,(NEC) Meeting Tomorrow-Sunday.

One of the crucial discussion to be discussed tomorrow by ASUU is to collate their Members' votes as regard the Federal government's "take it or leave it offer" of N60,000/N30,000 salary increase for Professors and graduate lectures respectively. Also, ASUU will be deciding on the next line of action as Strike prepares to move into its seventh Month.

Recall that all ASUU branches have been meeting since Monday to vote on either an end or extension to the strike. From the votes gathered so far, report indicates that the extension votes hold the majority. 

Mainwhile, Dally News Report has learnt that Federal government may be taken a more tougher way to handle ASUU. Information obtained by Daily News Report has it that FG may direct all Vice Chancellors across the Varsities to reopen Schools and take accreditation of lecturers who are willing to resume, lecturer and get paid.




  LABISI ONABANJO UNIVERSITY AGO-IWOYE HND CONVERSION PROGRAMS  The form is now available for sale. Kindly use the link 👇 https://portal....